A new feature of our education programme is that two of our international tutors, Stephen West and Patty Lyons, will appear by Zoom for plenary sessions and an interactive workshop. Stephen’s plenary focus will be inspiration with design and colour. Patty will cover specific knitting techniques in a plenary session and an interactive workshop. We are also delighted to have Michelle Snowdon, from Australia, in person to take workshops on spinning techniques.

The programme also includes a wide range of workshops led by well-known New Zealand tutors covering many topics. Most of these will cost $50 per half day with some classes with fewer pupils costing $60 per half day. If a workshop has a set materials fee, it will be charged at the time of registration and paid to the tutor by the festival. For some workshops, more details and/or instructions for prior preparation will be sent to those enrolled, once registrations have closed.

For workshops requiring equipment such as spinning wheels and weaving looms, participants are asked to bring their own if possible. A limited number will be available for hire, please let us know as soon as possible if you need to hire equipment – email festival.classes@creativefibre.org.nz Requests will be dealt with in the order in which they are received.

Daily one-hour interactive talks/seminars are also available, free to registrants. These are listed in the programme.

Applications for workshops will be dealt with in the order in which payment is received.